Our Facility

The Nourishy facility is one-of-a-kind. It is the only processing facility of it's kind in Australia dedicated to freeze-drying breast milk exclusively. Nourishy also follows all guidelines put forth by the CDC for the safe handling of breast milk.

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Environmental Testing

Regular environmental testing of our facility and equipment ensure that sanitization practices are effective at preventing contamination during processing. We routinely test for the following:

  • Total aerobic plate counts
  • Coliform/ E. coli
  • Yeast/mold
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Bacillus cereus
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Cronobacter sakazakii

Sterile Handling

The Nourishy facility contains ISO5 laminar flow hoods, allowing for complete control of the environment during the packaging process. All packaging operations are performed within these sterile cleanroom workstations which control the flow of air and ensure that no contamination is introduced during packaging. Each customer order is processed separately.

Controlled Freezer Storage

Breast milk is stored frozen at all times while in the Nourishy facility. Our commercial-grade freezers provide controlled storage capacity for more than 50,000 ounces of frozen milk. The freezers keep the milk around -10°F, and are remotely monitored for temperature and power outages. Our facility is equipped with back-up generators to power our freezers in case of outages.

Nutritional Testing

The Nourishy QC lab also houses the Miris - an FDA-approved human milk analyzer. Nourishy is the first and only freeze-drying service in the world to have one! With this testing, you can receive a customized report detailing the nutritional composition of your freeze-dried milk, including the calories, carbs, fats, and proteins.

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Nourishy Microscope

Quality Control Testing

As part of our final quality control check, we measure the water activity (“dryness”) of the freeze-dried milk using laboratory-grade testing equipment. Our Aqualab3 water activity meter and testing procedure are the only way to ensure that the freeze-dried breast milk powder will remain shelf-stable for up to 3 years with no refrigeration.

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