freeze - drying breast milk
Effect on Nutrients
Combination of High-Pressure Processing and Freeze-Drying as the Most Effective Techniques in Maintaining Biological Values and Microbiological Safety of Donor Milk (2021)Essential and toxic elements in human milk concentrate with human milk lyophilizate: A preclinical study (2020)Human Milk Powder an Alternative for Better Conservation and Healthier Use in the Banks of Human Milk (2019)Evaluation of the Lipid Quality of Lyophilized Pasteurized Human Milk for Six Months by GC-FID and ESI-MS (2019)Development of a human milk concentrate with human milk lyophilizate for feeding very low birth weight preterm infants (2019)Human milk enriched with human milk lyophilisate for feeding very low birth weight preterm infants: A preclinical experimental study focusing on fatty acid profile (2018)The freeze-drying does not influence the proteomic profiles of human milk (2018)Lipids and Fatty Acids in Human Milk: Benefits and Analysis (2018)The Effect of Lyophilization on Selected Biologically Active Components (Vitamin C, Catalase, Lysozyme), Total Antioxidant Capacity and Lipid Oxidation in Human Milk (2017)Effect of Pasteurization, Freeze-drying and Spray Drying on the Fat Globule and Lipid Profile of Human Milk (2016)The Effect of Freeze-Drying on the Nutrient, Polyphenol, and Oxidant Levels of Breast Milk (2016)Vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidant capacity stability during storage of freeze-dried human milk (2014)Ultrasonication, Lyophilization, Freezing and Storage Effects on Fat Loss during Mechanical Infusion of Expressed Human Milk (1995)Evaluation of Freeze-Drying, Pasteurization, High-Temperature Heating and Storage on Selected Enzymes, B-Vitamins and Lipids of Mature Human Milk (1983)Manufacture, quality control and use of freeze-dried human milk (1960)Preservation of human milk (1960)Freeze-drying for the preservation of breast milk (1955)A new method of preserving raw breast milk (1953)freeze - drying breast milk
Effect on Immune Factors
Impact of pasteurization/freeze-drying on available immunoglobulin content of the mature human milk: Use in human milk banking of hospitals (2017)Spray and freeze drying of human milk on the retention of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) (2016)Effect of Microwave Radiation, Pasteurization and Lyophilization on the Ability of Human Milk to Inhibit Escherichia coli Adherence to HEp-2 Cells (1996)Effect of Ultrasonication, Lyophilization, Freezing and Storage on Lipids and Immune Components of Human Milk (1989)freeze - drying breast milk
In the News
New kiosk at River Oaks' Motherhood Center helps working moms keep breastfeeding (2020)Breastmilk available to every newborn thanks to new technology (2020)Recommendations for the Establishment and Operation of Human Milk Banks in Europe: A Consensus Statement From the European Milk Bank Association (EMBA) (2019)Mother's Milk: From Handsfree Pumps to Spray Dried Powder, Redesigning Breastfeeding for Mothers and Infants (2019)Freeze-Drying of Breast Milk: A new-old way to make breast-milk available and long-lasting for at-risk premature infants (2018)Powdered Breast Milk: Coming Soon (2017)Here’s How Powdered Breast Milk Works (2016)Freeze-Drying of Breastmilk Retains More of its Healthy Properties (2015)Freeze-Drying Breast Milk Retains its Antibacterial Properties (2015)The Breast Milk Products of the Future (2015)Elaboration of a Lyophilized Human Milk Concentrate To Be Used To Feed Very Low Birth Weight Preterm Newborns (2013)freeze - drying breast milk